International Academy
for Transformational Coaching and Leadership

Change, Learn, and Grow

The International Academy for Transformational Coaching and Leadership was inaugurated in January, 2006 to develop Transformational Coaches and Leaders skilled in the art of helping individuals and organizations Change, Learn, and Grow.

More details about The International Academy for Transformational Coaching and Leadership are on a separate website.

The Academy is currently established in Russia and Indonesia.

The three-level 39-day international diploma training in Transformational Coaching and Leadership has been held three times in Russia and once in Indonesia. Level Four is in preparation.

Level One:
Facilitating Change:

Enhancing Performance

First Unit: Prerequisites for Transformation (6 days)

Second Unit: Enabling Inner and Outer Change (6 days)

Level Two:
Unfolding Excellence

Accelerated Learning: When Performance Meets Alignment

First Unit: Learning About Learning: Coaching and Modelling (6 days)

Second Unit: The Further Reaches of Learning: Working with Beliefs (6 days)

Level Three:
Dynamics of Deep Transformation:

First Unit: Tuning Into the Deep Epistemology and Life Patterns of Clients (6 days)

Second Unit: Influencing the Deep Epistemology and Life Patterns of Clients (6 days)

Integration and Evaluation (Certification) (3 days)

Level Four:
The Process of Unfolding: Unfolding Mastery in the Helping Relationship

(In preparation)